CryptoArmy Privacy Policy


CryptoArmy is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of its users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect the personal information provided through our platform.

Information Collected

  • Reporter: To file a report with CryptoArmy, we collect personal information such as name, email address, and details related to the report. This information is used for verification and tracking purposes.

  • Reported Party: The data of the reported party is not made public on the CryptoArmy platform until the reported fraud is verified and its validity is determined by our security team.

Sharing Information

  • Reporter: The personal information of the reporter is kept confidential and is not shared with third parties without the express consent of the reporter.

  • Reported Party: The data of the reported party is not made public on the CryptoArmy platform until the reported fraud is verified and its validity is determined by our security team.

Reporter's Responsibility

  • The reporter is responsible for ensuring that the provided data is true and accurate. CryptoArmy disclaims any responsibility for malicious or false reports that may affect the platform.

Use of Information

  • We use the information provided by reporters to investigate and verify potential frauds and scams in the P2P cryptocurrency market.

  • We use aggregated and anonymized information for statistical and analytical purposes to improve our services.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

CryptoArmy uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance the user experience and gather information about platform usage.

Data Security

CryptoArmy implements security measures to protect user information. However, we cannot guarantee complete security for information transmitted over the Internet.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

CryptoArmy reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will be effective upon posting on the platform.


For questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at